About us
Many years puzzles have been our family hobby. We are fascinated about choosing a new picture, assembling the tiny pieces within hours and then celebrating the result. Adults and kids speak with each other in the process and just have fun. The atmosphere of these evenings is incredible. We wanted to share it with other people but didn’t know how to do that in the proper way. But one day we found out about wooden puzzles, and that's how it all started. Why did we choose wooden puzzles exactly We aimed to share our passion for puzzles with other people but struggled to make it in a special, unusual way. Our puzzle online store had to become the combination of family warmth, puzzle fun and a quality, of course. Wood as material is appropriate for all above.
When you touch the wood and cardboard, it is not the same feeling. Smooth surface of wood heats the skin up, spoiling you with the light weight of natural spirit. For ages human beings surrounded themselves with wood. Even today, when our civilisation invented a lot of materials and textures, we still prefer wooden things over them. Wood is always about warmth and values that’s why we chose it for our goal. Thanks to modern laser technology, our puzzles are cut filigree, no sharp edgesleft. The birch plywood for riddles is certified and 100% ecologically clean.
From the beginning this point was under strong checkup because we desired to be totally confident in the safety of children. And wood is a material quite comfortable to operate with, so we can implement almost all designs, no matter how difficult they are. This gives us an opportunity to offer you a variety of fun puzzles.
From one little piece to the whole world Today our family dream transformed into an online store with great products that we proud of:
- Wooden Mechanical Models
- Wooden Jigsaw Puzzles
- Wooden World Maps
We have all types of complexity for beginners and hardcore puzzlers. By the way, the wooden puzzles or wooden map could become a splendid gift for the person whom you want to share warmth with.
Trade name: MyPuzzleKits.com
Phone number: +48889137673
Email: info@MyPuzzleKits.com
Physical address: Robotnicza 70E, 53-608 Wroclaw, Poland
NIP: 8992942062